
Hello. I'm Yap Wei Lun.

I'm a game designer and programmer.

Check out my skills

Here's all the skills I have.

Game Engines

  • Unity3D Engine
  • Unreal Engine 4

Programming Languages

  • Java/Javascript
  • c#/c++

Soft Skills

  • Fluent in English/Mandarin/Bahasa Malaysia
  • Working as a group
  • Swift decision-making

Here are some games that I made recently.

Wendy's Adventures

Audio based game that translates voice input to wind mechanics with minimum UI on the screen. Developed using Unity3D.

Rope & Hook Physics Game

A project done with a friend that demonstrates the physics of hooking and swinging. I mainly contributed in level design and enemy with AI. Developed using Unreal Engine 4. Video provided from my friend.

Skippy Jumps

Hyper casual mobile game that requires player to jump from one tile to another. Developed using Unity3D.

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